I know I will never be elected to public office. I do not lie well enough nor do I schmooze properly. I don't have the background, nor tolerance for cowpatties as a staple diet. I also have enough "sin and infamy and unacceptable behavior" in my past to ensure that the press would have a field day that would make the Monica Lewinsky circus look like a simple flash bulb explosion. However, this is America, and the Constitution written by our forefathers gives me the right to not only have opinions, but also to state them verbally and in writing anytime I so desire on any forum I wish to use. Guess what? I'll use this space to state my opinions.
1) Professional politicians should be outlawed. All politicians should either have a full time real job or be required to serve on the front lines of our military actions for a minimum of 4 years prior to being eligible for public office. A lot less professional politicians would exist after such a such a stint. And requiring them to live on a real income instead of government money would ensure honestyy for a change.
2) Convicted felons should be sent overseas to our war zones,given weapons and told "win this and you can come home." Let them pay their debt to society some way that matters w/o draining our freaking tax dollars. Having known far too many druggies and idiot thieves I personally like this one. I'm tired of repeat offenders myself, aren't you?
3) Pedophiles, Rapists, and Murderers should be allowed ONE appeal only and then shot as soon as the appeal is over or dismissed. I was married to a pedophile. This is my personal favorite. I have NO tolerance for violent criminals. I am a Sadist, sure, but never would I rape anyone or harm a child, nor kill a person (except to protect someone or carry out a sentence in due process). Yes, I am a STRONG advocate of the death penalty. If it was used more with less appeals and "civil rights loopholes" (they're convicted felons, they have no rights in my opinion, they lost them when they violated this country's laws), there would be far less population in prisons. Look at China for an example.
4) Illegal immigrants should not be eligible for medicaid, food stamps, or housing, EVER. There are people who are natural born citizens who cannot get benefits while illegals get it automatically. This is a waste of our tax dollars and violates our rights as citizens. My husband and I work our butts off and live on income well below poverty level for a family the size of ours (3 adults and 6 children at home) and yet we qualify for absolutely NO government assistance whatsoever. We get by but we have to scramble sometimes to give our kids treats. I have no insurance and, with my medical issues, have no way in hell of ever getting coverage unless by some miracle I am approved for disability (and that usually takes a minimum of 5 years or so I have been told. Where's the fairness in that? I know, LIFE IS NOT FAIR, but shouldn't it be?
5) Legal immigrants and naturalized citizens should be held to the exact same tax standards as all other citizens. Screw this loophole of no taxes for 7 years. Way too many people are selling businesses to their relatives as soon as their 7 yrs are up so that the family business NEVER has taxes. I pay mine, let them pay too. They get those other benefits, let them pay for them.
6) Veterans, medically Disabled, and Senior Citizens should automatically receive free medical care subsidized by pharmiceutical companies.This should be a federal mandate. These people have to jump through enough hoops to get their disabilities and retirement approved (in general) and Veterans put their lives on the line to keep America free. Make the rich bitches at the pharmaceutical companies pay up. It won't hurt their profits one bit and in the long run will probably help their bottom line as it is actually a deductible expense by our current tax laws.
7) Frivilous law suits should be dismissed immediately and the plaintiff should be responsible for all fees incurred. Can I get an AMEN, Sister?
8) What in HELL is wrong with a flat income tax for all? It's fairer than the system we have now. Sure it takes away some of the deductions we have to search for to use, but overall, wouldn't a simplified tax code just make for less headaches, less cheating, less audits and level the load all around? The really big income bracket types are squealing about it, but hey, I've never lived in that stratosphere, and I"m sure 98% of them have never had to eat Ramen noodles for 8 months in a row just to make housepayments either. Let them squeal.
Whatever happened to personal responsibility? I am by no means perfect. I do however not blame others for my own bad decisions and believe me I have made a few thousand of them. I do however, deal with the debris and move on with my life, repairing the damage as best I can without suing the freaking bartender for giving me the drink I ASKED for in the first place. What idiots our "system" has allowed many of our people to beome. Those who need help can't get it and those who are too lazy to work get free handouts because they lie well.
1 comment:
You have such a flair for words and are an excellent writter. Your thinking is very much on target with many of the ideas I have. Have you ever shown your work to a newspaper or a magazine. I see you as having one of those opinion columns. Bravo to you!!! I wouldn't mind seeing more. Thanks
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