Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Who died and made you Goddess/God of D/s and BDSM?

There is no one true way!

If you believe anything else, get yourself a major reality check and some egomania control therapy as soon as possible.  BDSM and D/s are no place, espcially in public arena, for anyone with a GOD complex. Too many people are judgemental about what is, or is not, correct D/s (BDSM).  I have already stated that  each individual participant chooses what is right for them, and via communication with their partner(s) the relationships develop into what suits the participants. ONLY THE PARTICIPANTS can know what is right for them.  Everyone else needs to freaking go suck rotten eggs.  If you know what you want and need and are honest with yourself and your partner(s), then go for it.  Communicate with your partner(s) and have fun fulfilling your mutual needs.  Be safe and happy.  Ignore the judgemental fools with Napoleon complexes.  Life's way too short to have "I wish" lists at the end. 

You should never let anyone choose your path for you. You have to know yourself, know what you want, and  begin to find a way to get there.  You may need a guide or a teacher, but you must choose your own path(s).  Your path may be in tandem with someone else's, or with a group's, but that is not wrong, nor is a solo journey to personal nirvana.  You may indeed find your Master, slave or mate along the path(s).  You may not.  You may find friends and companions.  You may find only rocks and brambles.  YOUR NEEDS ARE YOUR OWN, FOR YOU TO FIND AND TRAVERSE. 

You think this is easy for me to say?  It's not. I learned the hard way because I hid my kink for years before I learned the happy medium of honesty in relationships (without brutality).  My Master loves and accepts me as I am, with all my warts and aberances and wrinkles too.  My kids don't know all the kink, just that my husband and I are happy and go away for "private time" as often as we can.  They have a secure loving home.  That's what matters.  It was a hard bumpy road to get here too.  They remember those times, at least the older kids do.  It makes them value what we all have now even more, I believe.

If you make your journey and remain true to yourself and your needs, you will find great rewards along the way.  I have found great strength within myself and learned that Hope is the spring that flows eternal.  To share it's waters is to ensure it is never dammed by any hand.  May it always be shared with you.