I've had a lot of people argue with me, many times over the years, about what makes a person a slave, or a submissive. I'm sure that for ever how long I live, they, and others, will continue to argue about it. The good news is: I am allowed to have my own beliefs AND LIVE BY THEM! The better news is: If you don't like my beliefs, fine, have your own & live by your own as well. I'm not at all concerned about whether you LIKE the way I live. If you don't want to live MY way, Don't apply to be a submissive or slave for THIS HOUSE.
Simply put (and there are degrees)... A Submissive serves when (s)he wants to serve. When the want is fulfilled, (s)he quits and goes on with life in whatever way (s)he sees fit. A Slave on the other hand builds their entire life around service, whether to an individual or to a family or to an organization... or a combination of these entities, but take away this structure...and the Slave will strive to rebuild that structure and if unable to do so (s)he will pine away and suffer in a most delicious way.
Give a Submissive an order and (s)he will follow it literally...often to the detriment of their own health and wellbeing during a session because it's not about true service, it's about kink and limited fulfillment for short-term. Give a Slave an order, and (s)he will follow it within surprisingly wide parameters that fit into the House rules and work for the longterm good of that House. IF the order is detrimental to the house, the Slave WILL DISOBEY and take punishment for disobedience then explain if allowed, simply because it is for the good of the HOUSE. A SLAVE knows (s)he is valuable property and as such should maintain that value and increase the value of the House at every opportunity.
A Submissive may serve for years and think (s)he is a Slave, may call itself a slave. How would one differentiate? That is for the participants to decide. A Slave will put the wellbeing of the HOUSE as primary, with the individual well-being always secondary, but never ever forgotten. A Slave will be able to efficiently run the entire household in the absence of the Master/Mistress without having to have constant reminders or being micro-managed. Independent thought and management skills are valuable commodities and take a huge weight off the Master/Mistress. Reliability and companionship are part and parcel of what (S)He probably values most without ever saying so. Is sex a part of your relationship? Bully for you if it is, but if not? well deal with it. Nirvana doesn't exist for everyone honey. Does (S)He need to be reminded about Doctor visits/Medications? REMIND Her/Him. As a Slave, you're Maid, Cook, Personal Assistant, Chauffeur, Yard Boy, Valet, Masseuse, Answering Machine, Major Domo, Geisha, Gofer, Whipping Boy, and general bitch. Submissives can walk away from this when they're tired. Slaves thrive on it. Understand now?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Whether you like me or not....
My blog is not designed for everyone. It is designed to express my thoughts. I hope it is informative for some. I hope it is also entertaining for others. I do not edit myself much. Some of the entries may be offensive. Some are blunt. One of these days I hope to have time to do regular entries. Today as you can see, this is the 3rd entry. There is a reason for freedom of speech.
Let's talk about Politics
I don't want to hear armchair idiots bitch about politicians and how they're screwing up our country any more. Those same armchair idiots will NEVER get off their lazy asses and do a damn thing to FIX anything that is wrong in this country. SIMPLY PUT, NOTHING WILL CHANGE WITHOUT SERIOUS REVOLUTION AND BLOODSHED. The little people of this country, ALL OF THEM, will have to Stand firm and say, ENOUGH. We will all have to stop paying taxes, stop accepting the ludicrious laws and pork barrelling, and stop pandering the "blame everyone else" mentality. When every single citizen in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA stands up and says STOP! ENOUGH...then and ONLY THEN will we be able to make serious change. IT will get many jailed, killed and probably worse. Revolution is always ugly. Look to the examples of our ForeFathers when they broke with England. Seriously people, if you're not going to DO something, SHUT UP!
When Relationship DynamicsChange Drastically...
My Master and I got married in 2006.... shouldn't that mean "happily ever after"? Isn't that what marrying your Master means for the Slave? In real life, and the real world, I very much doubt a true "happily ever after" really exists. All relationships have at least "speed bumps" if not road blocks and detours...... Some even run into the Grand Canyon and the Continental Divide along the way. Throw in D/s and BDSM and HOLD ON FOLKS, it's gonna be a BUMPY RIDE!!!!
My marriage is no different and my husband and I had our teenage children testing our resolve and parenting methods every step of the way. He and I are VERY different parents which is a constant source of tension from day one of our relationship.... Throw in my health deterioration...... Add in a heavy dose of my extended family being devious thieving asses..... a few doses of alzheimer's/senility in our elderly relatives, a few elder deaths.... and then the economy crashed...and 3 years into our marriage, my husband lost the job that he'd had for nearly 20 years.
CHAOS ENSUED...and let me tell you... NOTHING in this would could have prepared me for what happened to my husband's mental and emotional status then.
He was out of work for 7 months. When a Dominant who has NEVER in his adult life been out of work and unable to support his family suddenly loses that, he gets DEPRESSED. Clinical Depression is a DISEASE. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It destroys EVERYTHING. He didn't listen to advice or encouragement from me nor anyone else. He didn't talk about his feelings or what was going on in our family's lives...... I felt completely locked out of his entire existence...and we had ZERO real income for the entire time except for what my kennels, our tax return, and a few collectibles we sold brought in. I was suddenly alone again... like before I met him. Reaching out to him was rebuffed repeatedly... or ignored.
In March and again in June, I took business trips to FL. The June trip, I extended into a personal vacation and took time to visit friends and do some personal "re-evaluation thinking". When I got back home, my husband and I had a discussion. I told the kids to leave for the night. I locked the doors, and we had an all or nothing "by goddess this is going to come out NOW or I'm going to shoot your ass" several hours long talk. It started with me turning off the tv and demanding for him to UNCOLLAR me since he wasn't fit to be anyone's Master any longer. That particular statement shocked him enough to get his attention for the rest of the discussion, which began AFTER he removed my formal, public, collar. His feelings were hurt by the statement, though, and I actually hated having to make it. Truth hurts and I am not one to ever mince my words.
How does a relationship survive such a dramatic change in status....? Well, the answer is, simply,... most don't. Most couples simply don't want to save a relationship once it's that far gone. In our case, my husband doesn't want to end our marriage. He wants to try to rebuild the trust and maintain the friendship. He also wants to keep the family unit together. So, together, we are working. It means that I remain Domme.... and he works to rebuild himself from his core out. It means I have to make lists and remind him and prod and be bitchy (which I hate). It means that I have to run things that he used to take care of for me.
When I began this Blog, I stressed the importance of COMMUNICATION between partners. When you lose that, you lose EVERYTHING. To regain anything, you have to start over. Trust once lost, is the most difficult thing to rebuild. Will my husband and I ever be Master/slave again? I don't know. I can survive without a Master. Will I be whole? I don't know.... but I can survive. I am a Switch. I am a Strong Flexible, Capable, Intelligent Woman . Blessed be.
My marriage is no different and my husband and I had our teenage children testing our resolve and parenting methods every step of the way. He and I are VERY different parents which is a constant source of tension from day one of our relationship.... Throw in my health deterioration...... Add in a heavy dose of my extended family being devious thieving asses..... a few doses of alzheimer's/senility in our elderly relatives, a few elder deaths.... and then the economy crashed...and 3 years into our marriage, my husband lost the job that he'd had for nearly 20 years.
CHAOS ENSUED...and let me tell you... NOTHING in this would could have prepared me for what happened to my husband's mental and emotional status then.
He was out of work for 7 months. When a Dominant who has NEVER in his adult life been out of work and unable to support his family suddenly loses that, he gets DEPRESSED. Clinical Depression is a DISEASE. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It destroys EVERYTHING. He didn't listen to advice or encouragement from me nor anyone else. He didn't talk about his feelings or what was going on in our family's lives...... I felt completely locked out of his entire existence...and we had ZERO real income for the entire time except for what my kennels, our tax return, and a few collectibles we sold brought in. I was suddenly alone again... like before I met him. Reaching out to him was rebuffed repeatedly... or ignored.
In March and again in June, I took business trips to FL. The June trip, I extended into a personal vacation and took time to visit friends and do some personal "re-evaluation thinking". When I got back home, my husband and I had a discussion. I told the kids to leave for the night. I locked the doors, and we had an all or nothing "by goddess this is going to come out NOW or I'm going to shoot your ass" several hours long talk. It started with me turning off the tv and demanding for him to UNCOLLAR me since he wasn't fit to be anyone's Master any longer. That particular statement shocked him enough to get his attention for the rest of the discussion, which began AFTER he removed my formal, public, collar. His feelings were hurt by the statement, though, and I actually hated having to make it. Truth hurts and I am not one to ever mince my words.
How does a relationship survive such a dramatic change in status....? Well, the answer is, simply,... most don't. Most couples simply don't want to save a relationship once it's that far gone. In our case, my husband doesn't want to end our marriage. He wants to try to rebuild the trust and maintain the friendship. He also wants to keep the family unit together. So, together, we are working. It means that I remain Domme.... and he works to rebuild himself from his core out. It means I have to make lists and remind him and prod and be bitchy (which I hate). It means that I have to run things that he used to take care of for me.
When I began this Blog, I stressed the importance of COMMUNICATION between partners. When you lose that, you lose EVERYTHING. To regain anything, you have to start over. Trust once lost, is the most difficult thing to rebuild. Will my husband and I ever be Master/slave again? I don't know. I can survive without a Master. Will I be whole? I don't know.... but I can survive. I am a Switch. I am a Strong Flexible, Capable, Intelligent Woman . Blessed be.
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